All manuscripts should be submitted to the Albanian Dental Journal Apolonia (ADJ) electronically. To submit a manuscript, please follow the instructions below:

Getting Started

1.Launch your web browser and go to the ADJ Manuscript Central homepage (

2.Log-in or click the “Create Account” option if you are a first-time user of Manuscript Central.

3.If you are creating a new account:

After clicking on “Create Account” enter your name and e-mail information and click “Next”. Your e-mail information is very important.

Enter your institution and address information as prompted then click “Next.”

Enter a user ID and password of your choice (we recommend using your e-mail address as your user ID) and then select your area of expertise. Click “Finish” when done.

4.Log-in and select “Author Center.”

Submitting Your Manuscript

5.After you have logged in, click the “Submit a Manuscript” link on the Author Center screen.

6.Enter data and answer questions as prompted.

7.Click on the “Next” button on each screen to save your work and advance to the next screen.

8.Your will be prompted to upload your files:

Click on the “Browse” button and locate the file on your computer.

Select the description of the file in the drop down next to the Browse button.

When you have selected all files you wish to upload, click the “Upload” button. o NOTE: you have a limit of 10 MB combined for all files you upload.

9. Review your submission (in both PDF and HTML formats) before sending to the Editors. Click the “Submit” button when you are done reviewing.

You may stop a submission at any phase and save it to submit later. After submission, you will receive a confirmation via e-mail. You can also log-on to Manuscript Central any time to check the status of your manuscript. The Editors will inform you via e-mail once a decision has been made.

Manuscripts types

ADJ publishes five types of full-length (15–30 double-spaced pages) manuscripts:

Original research paper – up to 12 pages and no more than 6 display items (figures and tables); images (pictures)

Professional Papers – up to 8 pages and no more than 4 display items; images Review Papers – up to 6 pages and no more than 3 display items; images Case Reports – up to 6 pages and no more than 3 display items; images

Brief Communications – up to 4 pages and no more than 2 display items; images


Quotation and references should be from journals indexed in PubMed. The style of references required by ADJ is the Vancouver format.

Upon print authors will receive one copy of the relevant issue.



This journal uses blind peer review; please make sure that the files you load during submission DO NOT CONTAIN ANY IDENTIFYING INFORMATION, such as author names, acknowledgments, or bios. You will provide this information later if your manuscript is accepted for publication. Make sure your file names do not include an author name.

Contributions should be organized in the sequence: title, text, methods, result, discussion, references, supplementary information line (if any), tables, figures, and figure legends.

Articles have a summary, separate from the main text, of up to 250 words, which does not have references, and does not contain numbers, abbreviations, acronyms or measurements unless essential. It is aimed at readers outside the discipline. This summary contains a paragraph (2-3 sentences) of basic- level introduction to the field; a brief account of the background and rationale of the work; a statement of the main conclusions (introduced by the phrase 'Here we show' or its equivalent); and finally, 2-3 sentences putting the main findings into general context so it is clear how the results described in the paper have moved the field forwards.

Authors are encouraged to include a link to a simple schematic, included as Figure 1 of their Supplementary Information, that summarizes the main finding of the paper, where appropriate (for example to assist understanding of complex details).

Articles are typically 3,000 words of text, beginning with up to 500 words of referenced text expanding on the background to the work (some overlap with the summary is acceptable), before proceeding to a concise, focused account of the findings, ending with one or two short paragraphs of discussion.

The text may contain a few short subheadings (not more than six in total) of no more than 40 characters each (less than one line of text in length).

Articles typically have 5 or 6 display items (figures or tables).

1.Titles do not exceed three lines in print. Titles do not normally include numbers, acronyms, abbreviations or punctuation. They should include sufficient detail for indexing purposes but be general enough for readers outside the field to appreciate what the paper is about.

2.Methods. In the Methods section, details regarding the material, samples, methods and equipment used in the study should be included, so that another individual could repeat the work. The selection of the observational or experimental participants (patients or laboratory animals, including controls) should be stated clearly, including eligibility and exclusion criteria and a description of the source population. Next, the period of research and the institution where it was conducted should be clearly mentioned. Papers covering research on human or animal subjects should contain a statement indicating patient permission and clearance by the Institute Research or Ethics Committee or Animal

Experimentation Committee.

The methods, apparatus (include the manufacturer’s name and address in parentheses), and procedures should be given in sufficient detail to allow reproduction of the results. Give references to established

methods, including statistical methods; provide references and brief descriptions for methods that have been published but are not well known; describe new or substantially modified methods, give reasons for using them, and evaluate their limitations. Identify precisely all drugs and chemicals used, including generic name(s), dose(s), and route(s) of administration.

The Methods section should not exceed 500 words of text. The Methods section cannot contain figures or tables.

3.Results. In this section author should describe the main findings in the text as well as the particular statistical significance of the data, and refer the reader to the tables and figures, implying that details are shown there. Information on significance and other statistical data should preferably be given in the tables and figures. Do not combine the Results and Discussion sections for full-length papers.

4.Discussion. This section should not repeat results. The discussion section should discuss study findings, and interpret them in the context of other trials reported in the literature providing evidence or counterevidence. In this way the validity of the results and the significance of the conclusions for the application in further research are assessed, with respect to the hypothesis, relevance of methods, and significance of differences observed.

5.References. Each reference should be numbered, ordered sequentially as they appear in the text, methods, tables, figure, and legends. When cited in the text, reference numbers are in brackets []. Quotation and references should be from journals indexed in PubMed.

The maximum number of references is 50 for Articles and 30 for brief communications. Only one publication can be listed for each number.

Only articles that have been published or submitted to renowned medical libraries (e.g. MEDLINE, PubMed, PMC, European Association for Health Information and Libraries Association (EAHIL)/Europe’enne pour l’Information et les Biblioth’eques de Sante’ (AEIBS), Canadian Health Libraries Association (CHLA)/Association des Biblioth’eques de la Sante’ du Canada (ABSC), IFLA Section of Health and Biosciences Libraries or equivalent) should be in the reference list; papers in preparation should be mentioned in the text with a list of authors (or initials if any of the authors are co-authors of the present contribution).

Published conference abstracts, numbered patents and preprints on recognized servers may be included in reference lists, but text, grant details and acknowledgements may not. All authors should be included in reference lists unless there are more than five, in which case only the first three authors should be given followed by 'et al.' For example:

Citing article in journal:

Sjogren U, Hagglund B, Sundqvist G, Wing K. Factors affecting the long-term results of endodontic treatment. J Endod 1990;16:498–504.

Citing a book:

Peters OA, Koka RS. Preparation of coronal and radicular spaces. In: Ingle JI, Bakland LK, Baumgartner JC, eds. Endodontics. 6th ed. Hamilton: Canada: BC Decker Inc; 2008:877–991.

Chapter in book:

Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP. The role of dentine under restorations. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, editors. The science of restorative dentistry. 2nd ed. Oxford: Elsevier; 2003. p.266-78.

Online Journals (journal article) on Internet

Shayne Perry, Melissa Drum, Al Reader. Effect of Operator and Subject Gender on Injection Pain: A Randomized Double-blind Study et al. Accessed February 9, 2015

General Internet

FDA/CEDR resources page. Food and Drug Administration Web site. cder/approval/index.htm. Accessed April 7, 2007.

Note: the basic format for Web sites is: Author(s), if any; title of the specific item cited, if any; name of the Web site; URL; published and/or update, if any; accessed date.


Manuscripts are to be submitted in English, Albanian or Macedonian.

Please write your text in good English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these). Authors who feel their English language manuscript may require editing to eliminate possible grammatical or spelling errors and to conform to correct scientific English should be appropriately lectured by an

Manuscripts preparation guidelines are consistent with recommendation issued by ICMJE, uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals.

Authors are encouraged to write in a manner that is ultimately communicative, interesting, and informative. Manuscripts should be submitted solely to ADJ and should not be considered for publications elsewhere nor should they have been previously published.

Writing Style

1. Articles should be written in English (spellings as in Merriam Webster or Oxford English Dictionary), double spaced, using left alignment, a non-proportional font, and 12-pt. type. Include the title of the paper, an abstract of no more than 250 words, and 3 to 5 keywords.

2.Set all margins to 2,54 cm.

3.Format for A4 paper.

4.Please type all copy upper and lower case—do not use all capitals or small capitals.

5.Place all figures and tables in a separate file. Indicate the location of tables and figures in text in boldface, enclosed in angle brackets, on a separate line.

Example: <Fig. 1 here>

6.Please use your tab key and centering functions to do head alignment, paragraph indents, etc. DO NOT USE THE SPACE BAR.

7.Use endnotes as sparingly as possible. Number them with Arabic numerals starting with 1 and continuing through the article; for example:

“(See Note 1).” Do not use footnotes.


Figures must be provided as production-ready. Do not use rules or tick marks smaller than 1 point in size. Acceptable electronic formats for figures or other art are: TIFF, EPS, Word, or Excel. If you have trouble loading Excel files, copy and paste them into a Word document. Scans must be at least 300 dpi. Scans done at lower resolutions will have a very poor print quality even if they look crisp and clear on a laser printout.

Increasingly many readers prefer to read articles on the web. You therefore need to visualize how the article will look on the web, not just on paper. You should try to use the many advantages of web publishing such as links to other sources of information, extra photographs, figures, tables, or sometimes even a short video.


A photograph is required to be published with the obituary. A color photograph is preferable, although black and white photographs are acceptable if necessary (solely when other format is not to date available). Photographs should be sent by email along with the obituary as high resolution (300 pixels per inch) JPEG, TIFF or EPS files.


Obtaining written permissions for material such as figures, tables, art, and extensive quotes taken directly—or adapted in minor ways—from another source is the author’s responsibility, as is payment of

any fees the copyright holder may require. Because permissions often take a considerable amount of time to be granted, authors should start the request process as soon as possible. Authors should never assume that material taken from software or downloaded from the Internet may be used without obtaining permission. Each source must be investigated on a case-by-case basis. Failure to obtain permission will result in either removal of the particular item or the article being pulled from the journal issue.

Publication Criteria and Conditions

Authors are encouraged to write in a manner that is ultimately communicative, interesting, and informative. Manuscripts should be submitted solely to ADJ and should not be considered for publication elsewhere, nor should they have been previously published. Consideration for publication can be given to material that has previously had limited circulation elsewhere. If an article has appeared previously in any form, authors must clearly indicate this in their cover letter. Include copies of potentially duplicative material that has been previously published and provide links to duplicative material on the Internet.

Publication Fee: 50 Euros


Failure to disclose the existence of duplicate material may represent a violation of copyright. Upon acceptance for publication, copyright is transferred to the ADJ editorial office. Authors should not republish the material in any form without written permission from this office. The copyright form should be sent to:

Fax: +389-70-589-489, or

E-mail: [email protected]

Associated Costs for Authors

There will be a charge for publication of color Figures. Unless a special arrangement is made in advance, submitted materials will not be returned to authors. The editors and publisher reserve the right to reject illustrations or figures based upon poor quality of submitted materials.

Ordering Reprints

All research articles published in ADJ are made available and publicly accessible via the Internet without any restrictions or payment by the user. PDF versions of all research articles in ADJ are available for download. This is a convenient way for users to print high quality copies of articles. Research articles may be reproduced without formal permission or payment of permission fees. As a courtesy, however, anyone wishing to reproduce large quantities of a research article (50+) should inform the copyright holder and we suggest a contribution in support of open access publication. Such contributions will be used by ADJ to enable article-processing charges to be waived when authors lack funds to cover these costs. However, ADJ offers a reprint service for those requiring professional quality reproductions of

articles. Please contact the Editorial office for information about reprints and permissions relating to articles that are the copyright of ADJ.